
Rail ridership includes North East Line (NEL), Downtown Line (DTL), Sengkang and Punggol Light Rail Transit (LRT).

Average Daily Ridership
Month 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 649,460 686,426 875,831 934,363 1,142,026 1,250,833 1,195,131 844,322 848,905 1,088,294 1,255,310
Feb 627,959 691,918 859,465 948,224 1,141,750 1,186,795 1,016,292 853,580 781,820 1,177,836 1,240,185
Mar 637,010 688,147 880,966 955,433 1,144,294 1,217,877 923,319 882,892 853,049 1,163,149 1,234,442
Apr 637,727 689,305 879,413 937,046 1,149,121 1,213,490 288,664 897,317 930,979 1,137,194 1,228,077
May 641,864 696,010 886,145 925,537 1,146,071 1,201,397 195,515 621,167 974,217 1,181,419 1,188,088
Jun 654,114 695,964 882,270 919,224 1,140,105 1,167,470 421,444 569,958 1,006,992 1,144,141 1,142,452
Jul 678,218 738,130 924,305 970,856 1,222,488 1,273,328 628,983 675,404 1,016,961 1,220,444  
Aug 687,131 736,760 931,257 974,022 1,212,155 1,238,783 685,186 685,256 1,067,320 1,240,419  
Sep 684,510 713,374 931,944 949,122 1,210,267 1,236,770 735,858 729,145 1,094,397 1,210,233  
Oct 676,531 724,470 924,299 1,010,020 1,221,798 1,241,812 776,078 640,011 1,084,738 1,212,765  
Nov 668,592 708,426 903,336 1,102,296 1,182,284 1,213,402 795,843 709,651 1,103,065 1,187,278  
Dec 692,202 771,239 908,271 1,079,944 1,152,919 1,170,724 850,271 819,753 1,081,885 1,111,992  


Sengkang LRT, NEL, Punggol LRT, DTL1, DTL2 and DTL3 commenced revenue service on 18 January 2003, 20 June 2003, 29 January 2005, 22 December 2013, 27 December 2015 and 21 October 2017.